Ponzinomics 101
About The Show
Robert FitzPatrick, author of Ponzinomics, and Melissa Milner, veteran teacher and host of The Teacher As… podcast created the Ponzinomics 101 Podcast in response to the lack of education in our schools and universities about the dangers of multi-level marketing (MLMs). High school and college campuses are teeming with people working in MLMs who are there specifically to recruit vulnerable students. The problem is real, and it is not being addressed.
We hope our podcast will help teachers and parents combat the myths and provide the facts to students about MLM and other schemes. One of the goals of this podcast is to arm teachers with resources and actual lessons taught by Robert that can be used in the classroom, as well as provide teaching tips from Melissa. We also aim to engage in discussions with educators and MLM/cult experts in order to provide more insight into why we need to arm our youth with the facts.
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Melissa Milner
Melissa loves classroom teaching and has been doing it for over thirty years. During the shutdown in 2020, she started her content-creating journey with her education podcast The Teacher As… and she hasn’t looked back. Painfully curious and easily inspired, Melissa loves coming up with ideas for her podcast episodes. She enjoys podcasting with her students as well on The Birch Meadow Way Podcast. When Melissa saw Robert Fitzpatrick on the LuLaRich documentary, she asked him to be a guest on The Teacher As. After recording the episode together, Melissa pitched the idea to him of doing a podcast together. Ponzinomics 101 was born.
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Robert FitzPatrick
Robert L. FitzPatrick is the author of the books, Ponzinomics, the Untold Story of Multi-Level Marketing, and False Profits. He is content producer of the consumer-education website, PyramidSchemeAlert.org. He has served as expert witness and consultant in more than 35 court cases involving multi-level marketing
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